You can find her working stock and working the trails doing scent work with her dogs. She is a very talented photographer and she is a huge support to the stock dog community serving on both the OSDS and MSSA boards. She is a driving force getting things done and finding ways to serve and grow our community. We owe her a huge thank you for organizing this years arena trial in La Grande, Oregon and she is our Eastern Oregon powerhouse Director-at-Large. Meet Elaine La Rochelle!
Your Name Elaine La Rochelle
Dogs Name Dallee, Belle, Stoney, Dax, Tinker, Bluey, Cricket
Dogs Nicknames Bellaroo, Stone Dob, Boop, Crick
Dogs Age 10, 10, 10, 7, 5, 3, 2
Other Animals? Horses, cows, sheep, goats, chickens

How did you choose/end up with this dog? Had border collies for decades, after last one passed said I want something with slick hair. Hence my first Kelpie
Did you choose them or did they choose you? First and second was chosen for me. Rest picked me.
How long have you been training/trialing? 10 years
What led you to stock dogs? Brains
How do you spend your downtime? with dogs
Hobbies or passions? Photography, learning more about nature and my dogs.
Cows or sheep? Both
Belly rubs or ear scratches? Both and include butt scratches
What is your favorite thing about this dog? Brains
Describe yourself in three words. love my life
Describe your dog in three words? Best dog ever
What is your favorite thing about trialing? Seeing how I am doing at training
