OSDS Board Meeting September 20, 2023
Members Present
Dave (At the end)
Laurene (Late)
Maggie called the meeting to order.
Treasurer's Report
No treasurer's report sent. No vote on treasurer's report.
2. Secretary’s Report
The last meeting minutes sent by email.
Meeting minutes read aloud by Liz for anyone that didn’t read them.
Maggie motions to pass the minutes.
Liz seconds the motion?
Minutes pass.
3. Awards 2023-23
Announcement of member awards. Award to be posted on the Facebook, website, blog/newsletter and notify members.
Nov/Nov High Point-Lucy Cross w/ Silvie
Reserve- Anne Minnich w/ Zinc
Pro/Nov-Karyl Hansen w/ Betelgeuse
Reserve- Raenel Doyle w/ Jolie
Open- Haley Hunewill w/ Jak
Reserve Haley Hunewill w/ Bonnie
4. OSDS annual meeting
Alicia confirmed the annual Meeting at Fido’s is for November 5th.
5. Next Board Meeting
It is confirmed the next board meeting will be the day after the Encourager trial (October 1) at the Double V.
6. Trial Host Incentives?
Alicia proposes trial host incentives. Per previous discussion with Dave maybe awarding annual memberships to trial hosts. Alicia asks for ideas of things to do for trial hosts. Liz felt it was unnecessary, it was just trial hosts were busy and didn’t care but agreed with gifting memberships. Maggies agrees it would be a good thing and proposes we move forward with it. Alicia motions to award/ gift memberships to trial hosts. Maggie proposes Lifetime Memberships. Alicia proposes to award/gift Lifetime memberships to trial hosts.
Motion Passes.
7. Budget for gift baskets for trial hosts
Alicia motions to set a budget to make gift baskets to be given to trial hosts at our annual meeting of $25-$35 with the intention of getting donations. Liz agrees to $35 dollars. Maggie agrees to $35 dollars and asks if Alicia would be willing to source those. Alicia agrees. Alicia motions to have a budget of $35 dollars per trial host plus donations for gifts to be awarded to trial hosts at the Annual Banquet. Maggie seconds the motion. All in favor. Motion passes.
8. Fall “Swag with Wag” promotion
Alicia asks for a discussion on the Fall “Swag with Wag” promotion. Liz proposes hats. Alicia proposes mugs. Liz and Maggie agree with mugs. Alicia makes a motion to change the “Swag with Wag” promotion to a custom mug for the fall. All in favor. Motion Passes.
9. “Darn it Draw” for trial prizes
Alicia mentions Maggie's idea of a “Darn It Draw” for members DQ’d or retiring during a trial. Liz mentions they did a Death with Dignity at Catbird and she liked it. Maggie would like to have swag available the day of the trial to give to people that day. Alicia agrees that would be fun. Alicia asks if we should set a budget for that. Maggie would like to table it until we can discuss it further with the rest of the board.
10. OSDS Encourager Trial
Updates-Encourager trial is filled. Entries are closed. Laurene has everything organized on a google doc and has contacted stragglers for final payment. Hospitality is proposed for the trial. Maggie asks for someone to bring a kettle etc. Laurene confirms no problem.
11. Website Webinar trial/practice
Maggie will confirm with friend for the next webinar trial.
12. Zoom for next Webinar with Emma Grey and Milton Scott
Maggie proposes continuing with Zoom for Milton Scott and Emma Gray as opposed to Wix until we can fix any issues we are having. Alicia agrees. No disagreement from the board.
13. Education page on website
Education Page Update-First Time to the Post should be ready to send out and be reviewed by the board at the next meeting. After review we can publish it to the website.
14. Collaborate with WASH
A collaboration with WASH for an Outrun/Lift/Fetch series has been discussed. Lisa Berglund, President of WASH has brought it to their board. The proposal of a committee from both organizations to collaborate specifically on the event was made in the discussion. Alicia and Maggie and Laurene volunteered to participate. Alicia will follow up with Lisa to move forward.
15. Fall photo shoot
Alicia Proposes Fall Photo Event to be Scheduled in the next couple of months with Laurene. All in favor. Motion passes.
16. Maggie asks for any other orders of business.
Alicia motions to adjourn.
Maggie seconds.